NASN Resources
Position Statement - Addressing Chronic Absenteeism
Fact Sheet - School Nurses’ Role in Combating Chronic Absenteeism
Fact Sheet - When is sick too sick for school?
NCPD Course - A School Nurse-Led Initiative to Address Chronic Absenteeism
eManual - The School Nurse-Led Active Surveillance Manual
Journal Articles
Legal Issues 101: Implications of Attendance, Absenteeism, and Truancy in the School Setting. Madura K. NASN School Nurse. 2024;39(4):214-220. doi:10.1177/1942602X241257842
Chronic Student Absenteeism: The Critical Role of School Nurses. Jacobsen K, Meeder L, Voskuil VR. NASN School Nurse. 2016;31(3):178-185. doi:10.1177/1942602X16638855
Addressing Illness-Related Chronic Absences. Arimas-Macalino C, Weismuller PC, McClanahan R. NASN School Nurse. 2019;34(6):357-362. doi:10.1177/1942602X19852749
School Nurses: An Integral Member of the School Team Addressing Chronic Absenteeism: Position Statement. NASN School Nurse. 2019;34(6):363-365. doi:10.1177/1942602X18823710
Journal Podcast
Feasibility Assessment of a School Nurse-Led Approach Using Chronic Absenteeism to Establish the School-Based Active Surveillance Process
The links below have been identified by NASN as Internet resources that might be of interest to you. NASN does not intend to make any representations about the content on the linked web sites, nor does NASN intend to endorse any products associated or featured on any of those web sites.
National Guidelines
Supporting Student Attendance and Engagement | U.S. Department of Education
Chronic Absence | Attendance Works
Additional Resources
Fact Sheet: Biden-Harris Administration Announces New Actions and Resources for Increasing Student Attendance and Engagement as Part of the White House Every Day Counts Summit | The White House
Chronic Absence | National Center for Homeless Education
Health Handouts | Attendance Works