Chronic Health Condition Management

Chronic Health Condition Management

Chronic Health Condition Management


It is estimated that one in four students in United States may have a chronic health condition (Jackson, Vann, Kotch, Pahel, & Lee, 2011; Van Cleave, Gortmaker, & Perrin, 2010); and approximately 6% of those students have multiple chronic conditions. These students have both health and academic challenges. The school nurse is well positioned to support the health and academic success of students with chronic health conditions by providing direct care and facilitating the many practice components of the Care Coordination principle of NASN’s School Nursing Practice FrameworkTM.

The key resources here support the school nurse role in building school communities that support the health and learning of students with chronic health conditions.

Funding Information

This webpage was supported by Cooperative Agreement Number, 1 NU1ADP003090-01, funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2016-2021. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or the Department of Health and Human Services.

NASN Resources

National Association of School Nurses. (2021). A model for school nurse-led case management (Manual).

Position Statements

Chronic Absenteeism, School Nurses - An Integral Member of the School Team Addressing

Individualized Healthcare Plans to Support School Health Services, Use of

Telehealth, The Role of School Nursing in

Transition Planning for Students with Healthcare Needs

Nursing Continuing Professional Development - Continuing Nursing Education

School nurse-led case management - Application of the nursing process (1.0 contact hour)

Other NASN Resources

School Nursing Practice FrameworkTM

Emergency Medications Toolkit

School Nursing Evidence-based Clinical Practice Guideline: Medication Administration in Schools Implementation Toolkit

School Nursing Evidence-based Clinical Practice Guideline: Medication Administration in Schools

Principles for Practice: The Role of Individualized Healthcare Plans IHPs in Care Coordination for Students with Chronic Health Conditions (Paperback practice tool)

National Association of School Nurses. (2019). School nurse-led care coordination: Proceedings from the national strategy to action roundtable. NASN School Nurse, 34(4), 229-234.

Improving care coordination for students with chronic health conditions (Toolkit)

Managing Chronic Health Conditions in Schools: Model School Wellness Policy Supplement

(NASN & SHAPE America) Students with Chronic Health Conditions - How to Recognize and Respond to Health Emergencies - What Physical Education Teachers Need to Know (Poster Series)

(NASN & Alliance for a Healthier Generation) Healthy Out-of-School Time Roadmap - Chronic Health Conditions Management

The links below have been identified by NASN as Internet resources that might be of interest to you. NASN does not intend to make any representations about the content on the linked web sites, nor does NASN intend to endorse any products associated or featured on any of those web sites.

National Guidelines

National Association of School Nurses. (2019). Translating strategies into actions to improve care coordination for students with chronic health conditions.

American Academy of Pediatrics. (2021). Consensus statement on the core tenets of chronic condition management in schools.

Additional Resources

The links below have been identified by NASN as resources that might be of interest to you. NASN does not intend to make any representations about the content on the linked websites, nor does NASN endorse any products associated or featured on any of those websites.

CDC Healthy Schools  

Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance Survey (YRBSS) 

School Health Profiles 

Parents for Healthy Schools 

Research Brief: Addressing the Needs of Students with Chronic Health Conditions: Strategies for Schools

Research Brief: Chronic Health Conditions and Academic Achievement

Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child Model

School Health Publications

Best Practice for Chronic Health Conditions

Click on a section to reveal resources.


Diabetes in Children web page

Danatech: Supports the technology access and assessment needs of healthcare professionals who care for patients living with diabetes and other chronic conditions.

The National Diabetes Education Program

Helping the Student with Diabetes Succeed: A Guide for School Personnel


Oral Health Connections web page

Association of State and Territorial Dental Directors

Association website

Best Practice Approaches for State and Community Oral health Programs

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Oral Health in Schools

Campaign for Dental Health

Why Do Children Need Fluoride?

Common Questions about Fluoride

Fluorosis Facts 

National Material and Child Oral Health Resource Center

Promoting Oral Health in Schools: A Resource Guide (4th Edition): The resource includes a selection of resources to help schools promote oral health for children and adolescents. Share it with others to put resources at their fingertips

Page last updated April 2022.