Mental Health

Mental Health

Mental Health


Mental health challenges for students K-12 have increased significantly in the past several years. School nurses are frontline healthcare professionals, and frequently are the first school staff to identify students with symptoms of stress, anxiety, depression, and other behavioral health challenges. School nurses work in collaboration with other school healthcare professionals and community providers to support upstream approaches to improve the mental wellbeing of students.

NASN Resources

Position Statements

The Behavioral Health and Wellness of Students

Bullying and Cyberbullying in Schools, Prevention and Intervention of

LGBTQ Students

Safe, Supportive, Equitable Schools

Use of Individualized Healthcare Plans to Support School Health Services

Use of Restraint and Seclusion in the School Setting

Consensus Document

Elevating the Role of School Nurses in School-Based Mental and Behavioral Health


Elevating the Role of School Nurses on School Behavioral Healthcare Teams (1.0 contact hour)

Emotion Management K-6 (1.0 contact hour)

Enhancing the Capacity of School Nurses to Reduce Student Anxiety (1.0 contact hour)

Highlighting Key Findings from the Youth Risk Behavior Survey Data Summary & Trends Report (1.0 contact hour)

Improving MTSS Systems of Care for Student Mental Health: Tier 1-3 (1.0 contact hour)

Is Substance Use Undermining Adolescent Mental Health? School Nurse Role on the School-Based Mental Health Team (1.0 contact hour)

The Role of the School Nurse in Mental/Behavioral Health of Youth [Enduring] (1.0 contact hour)

Trauma-Informed Care in School Nursing [Enduring] (1.0 contact hour)

Depression in Children and Adolescents: Guildlines for School Practice - Paperback manual

The links below have been identified by NASN as Internet resources that might be of interest to you. NASN does not intend to make any representations about the content on the linked web sites, nor does NASN intend to endorse any products associated or featured on any of those web sites.

National Guidelines

National Center for School Mental Health (NCSMH)

National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)

Additional Resources

Child Mind Institute

Mental Health | DASH | CDC

Mental Health Toolkit | AAP Toolkits | American Academy of Pediatrics

Mental Health Training Intervention for Health Providers in Schools (MH-TIPS)

Promoting Mental Health and Well-Being in Schools | CDC 

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)

Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS) (SAMHSA)

Don't see what you need on this page? Search NASN's site for additional resources.


Page last updated April 2024.