School Nurse Educators, formerly known as the Consortium of School Nurse Educators and the Educators' Caucus, is the name given to a Special Interest Group (SIG) of NASN. The group is for members engaged in the work of educating school nurses (definition published 2008). This can be interpreted to include, but not be limited to, school nurses who are precepting students, university/college faculty, nurses who are teaching school nurse certificate programs, state school nurse consultants, etc.
Group Leaders
Co-chair: Shirley Gordon (
Co-chair: Robin Shannon (
Past Chairperson: Laura Jannone (
Recording Secretary: Cheryl Resha (
Research Chair: Marie Foley
Continuing Education: Lorraine Chewey
Special Projects: Laura Jannone & Marie Foley
NASN Research Advisory Committee Liaison: Mayumi Willgerodt
The goal of this group is to meet the needs of school nurse educators with the following purposes:
- To provide a mechanism by which school nurse educators can come together in an organized, formalized manner every year at the NASN Annual Conference.
- To promote communication and the exchange of information and ideas between school nurse educators and the NASN Board of Directors.
- To be an additional benefit of membership not to replace or duplicate the activities of NASN committees.
- To identify and explore targeted issues of importance to school nurse educators.
- To promote the mission of NASN.
- To serve as a resource regarding school nurse education and school nursing.
- To identify school nurse educators who have specific expertise and can contribute to integrating that expertise into NASN activities.
Priority Issues
- A national data-base of school nurse preparation programs and state certification requirements.
- Development of guidelines for core curriculum and body of knowledge for school nurse preparation.
- Competencies of school nursing.
- Strategies to meet NCATE standards with NASN standards.
- Review of NASN standards in light of recent changes in ANA standards facilitating competency based research and mentoring for school nurses.
- Recognition of school nurse educators.
The annual meeting of this group is held during the NASN Annual Conference.
Each year, this group accepts nominations for the Outstanding School Nurse Educator Recognition Award.
The School Nurse Educators community on SchoolNurseNet enables members to network with their colleagues throughout the year.