


Asthma is a leading chronic illness among children and adolescents in the United States. It is also one of the leading causes of school absenteeism. In 2020 5.8% of children under the age of 18 had asthma (Interactive Summary Health Statistics for Children: National Health Interview Survey, 2019-2020). On average, in a classroom of 30 children, about 3 are likely to have asthma. Low-income populations, minorities, and children living in inner cities experience more emergency department visits, hospitalizations, and deaths due to asthma than the general population. Asthma-friendly schools are those that make the effort to create safe and supportive learning environments for students with asthma. They have policies and procedures that allow students to successfully manage their asthma.

NASN Resources

Position statements

Many of NASN's Position Statements apply to the care and support of students with Asthma including:

Use of Individualized Healthcare Plans to Support School Health Services

School Nurse Workload: Staffing for Safe Care

The School Health Services Team: Supporting Student Outcomes

Transition Planning for Students with Healthcare Needs

Learning Center Programs

School-based Environmental Management of Asthma: Strategies and Health Equity Implications (1.0 NCPD contact hours)

School Nurse-Led Case Management – Application of the nursing process (1.0 NCPD contact hours)


Clinical Practice Guideline Implementation Toolkit: Students with Asthma

Improving Care Coordination for Students with Chronic Health Conditions Toolkit

School Nursing Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guideline: Medication Administration in Schools Implementation Toolkit

Other NASN Resources

A Model for School Nurse-Led Case Management (Manual)

Chronic Health Condition Management web page

PCORI Symptom-based Adjustment of Inhaled Steroid Therapy Study (The ASIST Study) for Mild Asthma: School Nurse Implementation Guidance

School Nursing Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guideline: Students with Asthma

The links below have been identified by NASN as Internet resources that might be of interest to you. NASN does not intend to make any representations about the content on the linked web sites, nor does NASN intend to endorse any products associated or featured on any of those web sites.

National Guidelines

Asthma Management Guidelines: Focused Updates 2020

National Asthma Education and Prevention Program Coordinating Committee, Expert Panel Report 4 Working Group

Additional Resources

Breathe Better at School | Allergy & Asthma Network 

School-Based Allergy, Asthma and Anaphylaxis Management Program® (SAMPRO) | American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology

Managing Pediatric Asthma: Controlling Environmental Triggers | National Environmental Education Foundation

Choosing the Best Option for Managing Mild Persistent Asthma in Children | Patient Centered Outcomes Research Institute

American Lung Association

Asthma Basics
Online curriculum provides asthma information in a 50-minute lesson. This can be an appropriate tool for parents/guardians of children with asthma or a refresher for school nurses.

Asthma-Friendly Schools Initiative
The Lung Association's comprehensive approach to asthma management in schools. Provides resources to create a measurable, long-term asthma management plan.

Improve Asthma Management in Schools
The Lung Association provides several resources and effective asthma management programs to assist schools in their efforts to improve student's health and well-being.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Controlling Asthma

Managing Asthma in Schools

EXHALE Guide for Schools: Strategies to Help People with Asthma Achieve Better Health

Healthy Schools

National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute

What is Asthma

Asthma Resources for Health Professionals

Asthma Management Guidelines: Focused Updates 2020

Managing Asthma: A Guide for Schools

Asthma and Physical Activity in the School

Management of Asthma Exacerbations: School Treatment
Steps to follow for an asthma episode in the school setting when a nurse is not available. 

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)


Air Quality Flag Program that matches EPA’s Air Quality Index

EnviroFlash! - Provides daily air quality information such as forecasts and action day notifications via email for your area of interest. Air quality information allows you to adjust your lifestyle when necessary on unhealthy air quality days.

Don't see what you need on this page? Search NASN's site for additional resources.


Page last updated January 2025.